Laurence de Jong
I'm a Dutch software engineer with experience in developing web applications, APIs, integrating external systems, various databases and authentication systems. I provide technical leadership for small teams. My favourite language is Go, though I've had a lot of fun with Python as well. You can wake me up to talk about decentralization.
Syntho · Senior Software Engineer | Amsterdam, The Netherlands (remote) · Apr 2023 - May 2025
pythonfastapidjangossorediscelerypostgresraysynthetic data
- Integrated SSO, standardized APIs using OpenAPI, developed and extended functionality
- Migrated to mono-repository, improved development development time by making it possible to develop locally independently
CodeNotary · Senior Software Engineer | Remote · Apr 2022 - Feb 2023
gomicroservicesimmudbpostgresnatssolrsupply chain security
- Added multi-tenancy, refactored the application in order to create automated tests
- Integrated Solr search and added a message queue to offload processing. Standardized APIs using OpenAPI, designed an SBOM processing pipeline
Xebia · Senior Consultant | Gurgaon, India · Feb 2020 - Nov 2021
- Gave talks on Google Cloud, Go Architecture, IPFS and at the bi-weekly knowledge exchange sessions.
- Participated as judge at the Hackathon of the technical university in Dehradun.
- Participated in the hiring process by interviewing potential new hires.
Novamedia / Postcode Lotteries · Senior Software Engineer | Amsterdam, The Netherlands (remote) · Apr 2021 - Nov 2021
typescriptnodejsexpressreactgraphqlaws amplifyscrum
- Developed the Deal or No Deal game for Postcode Lotteries using AWS Amplify.
- Implemented NodeJS/Express endpoints for Lambdas that use TypeScript models generated from GraphQL definitions.
- Developed a back-end system for generating input for lottery draws.
Action · Senior Software Engineer | Zwaagdijk, The Netherlands (remote) · Feb 2021 - May 2021
gogcp cloud rungcp spannergcp cloud builddockerscrum
- Created the online webshop for Action. Implemented the product catalog, ordering system and e-mails. Created the backoffice management system for products and orders.
- Implemented solutions for integration with external systems for content management and finances.
- Configured CI/CD with Cloud Build and created extensive unit and integration tests.
IDFC First Bank · Senior Software Engineer | Gurgaon, India (remote) · Aug 2020 - Feb 2021
- Designed and integrated a fraud detection system.
- Created a new microservice which includes authentication, authorization, logging, monitoring, tracing, database migrations, unit tests and integration tests.
- Configured GoCD to automatically build and test.
Unifyed · Senior Software Engineer | Gurgaon, India (remote) · Mar 2020 - Jul 2020
- Implemented performance optimizations in a number of ways including hosting static files.
- Planned and upgraded their running MongoDB PSA clusters from version 3.4 to 4.2. Upgraded MongoDB drivers in all microservices and resolved compatibility issues.
- Implemented automated building and deployment of the platform.
Xebia · Consultant Software Engineer | Hilversum, The Netherlands · May 2017 - Jan 2020
- Gave talks on blockchain and IPFS at the bi-weekly knowledge exchange sessions. Participated in bi-monthly innovation days.
- Interviewed potential new hires.
- Co-organized DjangoGirls Amsterdam 2019.
Duxxie · Platform Developer | Utrecht, The Netherlands · Jun 2018 - Jan 2020
gogcp app engineevent-sourcingalgoliacircleciscrum
- Tech lead for the development of the platform.
- Migration of App Engine from runtime v1 to v2. Worked with and expanded the custom event-sourcing system. Implemented a catalogue search. Introduced a CMS for the product catalogue.
- Onboard external suppliers on the platform and integration of their systems.
Nextail · Full-Stack Developer | Amsterdam, The Netherlands · Jun 2017 - May 2018
gogcp app enginealgoliacirclecivue.jsscrum
- Launch of a multi-tenant e-commerce platform.
- Incorporate legacy IBM WebSphere e-commerce backend. Implement product catalogue search using Algolia.
- Leading development team with remote workers.
Contracts11 · Software Engineer | Groningen, The Netherlands · Feb 2015 - Nov 2016
pythonfalconlivescriptmithrilaws (ec2, ecs, s3)natsdockerrancherelk stackalert-managersmart contractsIoTLoRaWaN
- Research and develop a language to describe business processes. Generate models, database schemas, front-end and back-end functionality based on the descriptions.
- Developed a back office system for a liquor trader that could process price lists in various formats. The system could show price trends across the market and advise on selling and buying.
- DevOps: Set up Jenkins, Postgres with automated migrations, monitoring, logging and alerting using ELK stack. Set up Docker orchestration using Rancher.
Paylogic · Software Developer | Groningen, The Netherlands · Sep 2011 - Sep 2014
- Research and select a Continuous Integration tool. Set up Jenkins including a build farm.
- Set up automated database generation for local development. Set up automated testing using pytest. Automated database migrations using Alembic. Analyzed and solved database performance issues.
- Developed functionality for the ticketing platform.
Ytec · Junior Software Developer | Groningen, The Netherlands · Nov 2009 - Jul 2010
- Building web shops using Python and Django. Building the front-end using JS/jQuery.
Coach @ DjangoGirls
- Organised: 03-02-2018 - Amsterdam
- Coach in Groningen on 25-05-2019, 03-11-2018, 04-11-2017, 20-05-2017, 12-11-2016, 23-04-2016, 19-09-2015, 21-03-2015, 22-11-2014
- Coach in Novi Sad, Serbia on 24-10-2015
Computing Science · Master of Science (MSc) · Software Engineering & Distributed Systems
2012-09 - 2015-09, University of Groningen
Technische Informatica · Bachelor of Applied Science (B.A.Sc.) · Embedded Software Engineering
2007-09 - 2012-07, Hanzehogeschool Groningen